Extreme Health USA Healthy Recipes for All

🥣 Quick and Easy Yogurt and Granola Recipe

Looking for a quick and easy yogurt and granola recipe? Check out this versatile recipe that can be customized with your favorite fruits and toppings. Perfect for a healthy breakfast or snack!

Quick and Easy Yogurt and Granola Recipe

You will need:

  • Greek yogurt1 cup of Greek yogurt
  • granola1/2 cup of granola
  • mixed berries1 cup of mixed berries
  • honey1 tablespoon of honey


  1. First, get a bowl or a mason jar and pour in 1 cup of Greek yogurt. This will be your base. Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and probiotics.
  2. Next, layer 1/2 cup of granola on top of the yogurt. The granola adds a nice crunch and fiber to the parfait. Choose a granola that's low in sugar for a healthier option.
  3. Then, add 1 cup of mixed berries on top of the granola. You can use any berries you like such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries. Berries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins.
  4. Finally, drizzle 1 tablespoon of honey over the berries. The honey will add a touch of sweetness. If you prefer, you can also use maple syrup or agave nectar.


This recipe is versatile. Feel free to swap out the berries for other fruits like bananas or peaches, or add some nuts or seeds for extra protein. You can also use flavored yogurt for a different taste.

Looking for a quick and easy recipe that's both delicious and nutritious? Look no further than our Yogurt and Granola recipe. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a satisfying and healthy snack or breakfast option that will keep you energized throughout the day.

To make this recipe, you will need:

  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup of granola
  • 1 cup of mixed berries
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Here's how to prepare this tasty treat:

  1. Pour the Greek yogurt into a bowl or jar. Greek yogurt is a great choice because it's high in protein and low in fat. It also has a creamy texture that pairs perfectly with the crunchy granola and sweet berries.
  2. Layer the granola on top of the yogurt. Granola adds a satisfying crunch to this recipe and provides additional fiber and nutrients. Choose a granola that's low in added sugars and packed with wholesome ingredients like nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
  3. Add the mixed berries on top of the granola. Berries are not only delicious but also packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Feel free to use your favorite combination of berries or swap them out for other fruits like bananas or peaches.
  4. Drizzle the yogurt and granola with honey. Honey adds a touch of natural sweetness and enhances the flavors of the other ingredients. If you prefer a different sweetener, you can substitute it with maple syrup or agave nectar.

Now, you're ready to enjoy your homemade Yogurt and Granola! This recipe is versatile, so feel free to get creative and customize it to your liking. You can add some nuts or seeds for extra protein and crunch or experiment with different flavors of yogurt for a unique taste.

Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast option, a post-workout snack, or a healthy dessert, this Yogurt and Granola recipe is sure to satisfy your cravings. It's a simple yet delicious way to incorporate nutritious ingredients into your daily routine.

So, why not give it a try? Whip up a batch of this Yogurt and Granola recipe today and treat yourself to a tasty and wholesome dish that will leave you feeling nourished and satisfied. Enjoy!